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TRIESTECLASSICA APS has been incorporated in 2020 in Trieste on the initiative of the members of the "Quartetto Cahagll", a musical group made up of young artists already internationally renowned, who make up the Artistic Committee.

It is a Youth Association, pursuant to L.R. of FVG n. 5/2012, and is registered at number 70 of the relevant Regional Register.

In 2021 it was registered in the "Social Promotion Associations" section of the R.U.N.T.S. (rep. no. 802).


The Association's corporate purpose is to carry out, in favor of its members, their families and third parties, making use mainly of young people in the pursuit of the statutory objectives and the voluntary activity of its members or of people belonging to the associated bodies , of the following activities of general interest:

– education, instruction and professional training, pursuant to law 28 March 2003, n. 53, and subsequent amendments, as well as cultural activities of social interest with educational purposes;

– university and post-university education;

– organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including editorial, for the promotion and dissemination of the culture and practice of volunteering and activities of general interest referred to in the art. 5 of Legislative Decree 117/2017 and subsequent amendments;

– organization and management of tourist activities of social, cultural or religious interest.

These activities are attributable to the provisions of letters d), g), i), k) of the art. 5 of Legislative Decree 117/2017 and subsequent amendments.

The Association pursues, on a non-profit basis, the civic, solidarity and social utility purposes that emerge from the analytical description of the social object. [continued]

Organizational structure

The bodies of the Association are:

– the Assembly;

– the Board of Directors;

- President;

– the Artistic Committee.

The power of representation is attributed to the President and the Managing Directors, where appointed. The power of representation attributed to the Directors is general.

The Association is governed by the Board of Directors, which exercises powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration.

The Shareholders' Meeting approves the financial statements and other accounting documents; decides on proposals to amend the statute and on other extraordinary operations; appoints and dismisses the members of the corporate bodies.

The Artistic Committee is made up of a variable number of members who have proven experience in the activities referred to in the Association's corporate purpose. It provides for the organisation, management and implementation of all the Association's cultural events, also assuming the artistic direction, and, in general, carries out any other activity of an artistic or cultural nature that is entrusted to it by the Board of Directors.

Bodies and offices

Board of Directors

Matteo GHIONE, President

Jacopo TOSO, Vice President

İlsu GIOSEFIN, Member

Paolo SKABAR, Member

Artistic Committee

The Artistic Committee is made up of members of the Quartetto Chagall; the position of President is held by Maestro Jacopo Toso.

To contact the Artistic Committee write to:

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